Projects and programmes in public health have been a top priority of governments at different levels and the development sector. The challenges include providing access to basic and quality healthcare for all, with particular emphasis on disadvantaged and marginalised sections of the society. Often, efforts have to be made to demand from the target beneficiaries through IEC campaigns and behaviour change interventions. Social marketing approach plays crucial role in improving the demand for services through strengthening the knowledge and perception, changing attitudes and facilitating participation/practice among beneficiaries to ensure the given access to quality health care is well received and utilized.

The National Health Mission is India’s flagship health sector programme launched with the vision – “Health for All” – in order to create vision a healthy India. The Mission includes the National Rural Health Mission, the National Urban Health Mission, Tertiary Care Programmes and Human Resources for Health and Medical Education. Public-Private partnership and the role of development and corporate sectors has been recognised as an important strategic component of the Mission.

To achieve necessary results, a solid social research framework needs to be built in the project design itself using inputs from studies such as baseline survey, needs assessment, Theory of Change and M&E framework, Midline and endline evaluation

Further, IEC/BCC tools need to be developed, again based on the study of existing communication needs and opportunities of the target people.

ISRF, besides providing the above services, uses its networking and stakeholder management capabilities to strike alliances with organisations and liaising with government agencies to achieve alignment with the ongoing government health mission to avoid duplication or repetition.

In order to achieve sustainability, ISRF helps build and operationalise infrastructure at the local level and through involvement of community.

Lastly, modern day issues, such as health hazards of physical and mental issues due to changing education and work culture such as online education, work from home, exposure to internet-based entertainment etc., need newer programme methods and tools. Social Research will significantly help in understanding the issues and developing appropriate intervention programmes.