Organizational Development

Change is the only constant in life. This is particularly true in the present times which are witnessing rapid and unprecedented changes in every aspect of life. Competition too is intensifying both in corporate and development sectors. In today’s rapidly changing social, market and business scenarios, constant innovation and improvement in the area of organizational development has become inevitable. This calls for new approaches and strategies and ISRF has both the tools and experience to help organizations in this regard. ISRF partners with clients in rejigging and improving processes, besides providing training for continuous learning needed for adapting to change.

There are several case studies to prove that even the biggest and strongest organization, without being flexible and resilient, would lose its leading position in the sector within 3 to 5 years.

Therefore, in the current situation, organizational development is a dynamic and appropriate intervention required for any organization, be it non-profit or business houses, as both of them ultimately deal with people in the community as consumers/customers/beneficiaries.

Being a research-cum-implementation based organization, ISRF is rightly positioned to not only to assess the key barriers in organization growth and come up with most appropriate recommendations but also handhold the process of implementing the recommendations on ground.

The combined expertise of both social development and business domains is a unique strength of ISRF in providing a solution that has both business and social value. In this way, ISRF is rightly positioned to provide a variety of services to help organizations improve Systems, People, Process and Tools, as explained below:

Situational analysis study

  • Well defined problem is half the solution. The aim here is to assess the situation of organization using multi-stakeholder analysis studies and thoroughly map the entire spectrum of both problems as well as the various solution options that are unfolded.
  • We will analyze each and every stakeholder’s perspective, their role, power, contribution (both utilized and unutilized) etc and revisit the organization’s vision, mission and goals from a futuristic perspective. Here, our multi-discipline / multi-domain expertise comes in handy, like, social development, research, brand building, market activation etc.
  • The recommendations generated will be purely based on their relevance in the current and/or potential field / market.

Training and capacity development of teams

  • ISRF will develop customized curriculum for training and capacity building specific to each organization’s requirement.
  • The outcomes of the OD intervention will be in measurable terms, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
    • Quantitative outcomes refer to achieving both top line and bottom line progress.
    • Qualitative outcome are about building an improved organizational culture where every employee will understand both their individual and organizational goals and start work on results-based manner, contributing to achievement of overall organizational goal.
  • The implementation of the recommendations will be purely by involving the organization’s team so that they are well equipped in the process to manage on their own without external support after a point of time.
  • ISRF develops processes that enable and facilitate a culture of continuous learning and improvement in product/service delivery. These processes are embedded at all levels of an organization so that the habit of continuous learning and improvement is built into the very core functions of an organization.
  • The focus remains on identifying and improving the areas for resource deployment, product efficiency, market operations and delivery mechanisms.
  • ISRF develops and deploys appropriate communication tools as part of its process improvement.

ISRF will develop most appropriate tools to ensure

  • Automation using appropriate technology based tools
  • Review of existing tools being used in the organization and come up with alternative / better tools to enhance the operational efficiency
  • Skills TrainingSkills training and development are critical for any socio-economic intervention. Most projects and programmes have a component relating to training in general and skills training in particular. IEC and awareness campaigns are sometimes followed up with skills training relating to using tools and technologies or even simpler tasks such as writing an application or plea to government agencies. In the modern world, many projects incorporate a training component on basic digital skills so that beneficiaries could leverage basic digital technologies in their day-to-day lives. Training is also used as a tool in addressing issues relating to perception, bias, stigma and discrimination. Lastly, livelihood skills training is deployed in a wide range of projects and programmes – from poverty alleviation to women’s empowerment.