Types of Social Research

Main objective is to collect crucial and critical information relating to the target community which could be used in policy making, planning and implementing interventions. Can capture wide-ranging information relating to demographics, livelihood, profile of individuals and communities and villages as a whole, interface with government, even intangible aspects like empowerment, assertion, well-being, social norms, etc. We at ISRF have undertaken socio-economic surveys to assess the socio-economic status of a targeted beneficiary community through adopting descriptive research methods and ex-post facto analysis of primary and secondary data. We have developed standardized quantitative and qualitative tools which are further customised for each project to achieve statistically verifiable results based on which evidence-based conclusions could be drawn.

Project: Situational Analysis of Tribal Groups in Tamil nadu – The overall scope of work is to carry out the situation analysis through a combination of desk review of existing material on schemes for tribals in TN, interviews of key tribal department officials and CII staff, visit a representative sample of tribal groups and conduct a situation analysis by interviewing respondents in the community and other stakeholders such as NGOs, district and block level officials of stakeholder departments, CSRs involved in tribal upliftment, etc

Specific objectives of this assignment are as follows:

  1. Understand the social-economic situation of the tribal groups in TN
  2. Understand the livelihood ecosystem of the tribal groups.
  3. Understand and appraise government schemes for tribals and their effectiveness.
  4. Identify stakeholders who impact the socio-economic situation of tribal groups.
  5. Provide policy recommendations for updating the tribal policy of the state as well as improving effectiveness and efficiency of tribal welfare schemes.

The methodology adopted for this rapid assessment study was primarily qualitative, covering various key stakeholders at the district and state levels. However, quantitative analysis was also carried out using the data available from secondary sources such as Census,  research studies and government reports pertaining to ST population in the state and five sample districts of Thiruvallur, Villupuram, Cuddalore, Kanyakumari and Nilgiris.

The study, based on the results, provided an evidence-based and insightful plan for implementing Policy and Programme level interventions for addressing the key issues highlighted through the study in five districts across Tamil Nadu state. Client: CII-CSR, Southern Region, Chennai

Vulnerability of socio-economically marginalised groups are particularly useful in the area of disaster management and in social and corporate projects involving persons in distress, in health studies, etc. They are useful for designing initiatives relating to hazard prevention and harm reduction. Such an assessment helps in implementing the right programs for the vulnerable segments. ISRF has exclusive vulnerability assessment tools that can be customized to meet the specific needs of a situation. ISRF has conducted vulnerability assessment studies to assess the vulnerability of groups that are socially or economically marginalized, such as tribal population, women and children in hazardous conditions / occupation, people affected with TB, HIV, and similar diseases and those affected in natural calamity like floods, tsunami and earthquake etc.  These assessments have helped in implementing the right programmes for the vulnerable segments based on their needs and problems. ISRF has exclusive vulnerability assessment tools that can be customized to meet the specific needs of a situation.

This experiential research helps in assessing the need for a change in behaviour or attitude of a community. ISRF has qualitative tools to assess the responses of a community for behavioural and attitudinal change. ISRF views behavioural change as an essential aspect targeted in every social development project in some or other forms… It may be a change from using non-iodized salt to iodized salt, traditional farming methods to modern farming methods, traditional choola to improvised cook stove etc. We firmly believe that growth, in any context, is essentially a  transformation from an old ineffective practice to alternative effective ones, which in essence is a behavioural change. ISRF studies the requirements and needs for behaviour change, and drivers and barriers in achieving them among the given target population and then designs research based appropriate IEC/BCC tools.

Sectoral studies calls for domain expertise in specific sectors like health, education, welfare of differently-abled persons, and women and child development. Such a study calls for networking with experienced professionals, field practitioners, academic institutions, and issue-based activists. Such studies help in bringing together conceptual and theoretical frameworks to come up with programs that can be implemented in the ground. ISRF has exclusive domain expertise in specific sectors like health, education, poverty eradication, livelihood development, skills training, welfare of differently-abled persons, and women and child development. ISRF has good networking with experienced professionals, field practitioners, academic institutions, and issue-based activists. Through these studies, we help in bringing together the conceptual and theoretical frameworks to come up with programs that can be implemented in the ground. We have worked in several such studies sponsored by leading universities and academic research institutions across India and abroad.

In this survey, the progress of programme implementation is tracked using high-end statistical techniques like Time Series and Trend Analysis. ISRF has exclusive data analysis and desk review teams to carry out longitudinal surveys

This audit is a social assessment that helps identify the present condition of a situation or community and identify opportunities for programme implementation and inclusive growth. This audit provides for a meaningful engagement of multiple stakeholders and allows them to work towards a common goal. ISRF conducts Social Audit that helps identify the present condition of a situation or community and identify opportunities for program implementation and inclusive growth. The audit provides for a meaningful engagement of multiple stakeholders and allows them to work towards a common goal.

  • Theory of Change (ToC)
  • Results Chain
  • Logframe
  • SWOT analysis
  • OECD/DAC Evaluation Criteria (relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability)
  • Protocols
  • Best Practices
  • Capacity building of field staff
  • SPSS

We undertake a wide-range of causal research studies across domains for both development and corporate organizations seeking insights for chalking out strategies and designing initiatives. The causal research is particularly useful in advertising and marketing, business planning, customer retention and engagement, staff productivity, and also in community interventions, etc. A well-designed study can capture a detailed view of the processes involved and whether they are recurring or not. It is important to identify factors that are amenable to change and modification and the extent to which they could be changed or modified. Most of these studies are conducted for corporate clients.