Social Research vertical

Monitoring and Evaluationof the project ‘Giving poorest consumer a greater voice’ in India and Indonesia

Client : Consumers International, UK

Location : India (Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Gujarat) and Indonesia (Jakarta and Yogyakarta)

Duration : 3 years (2017 – 2020)Thematic Sector(s) focussed : Consumer Rights, Renewable Energy, M&E, Project Design and Development

Activity brief : In January 2017, Consumers International launched a three-year pilot project in six locations across three states in India, and two locations in Indonesia, with funding assistance from the IKEA Foundation. The main objective of the project was to develop a scalable model to enable low-income consumers to access safe and sustainable household products, ensuring children are brought up in safe and healthy homes. ISRF was hired as M & E partner to design the project with M&E framework and conduct Baseline, Midline, Process Monitoring and Endline evaluation for the project period of 3 years in both the countries. ISRF provided hand-holding support through research findings and ensure that the project implementation partners are on right track towards reading the targeted outcomes. The study generated key leanings and inputs for developing a scalable project model that helps low income consumers access and adopt to the safe and sustainable products in their households.

Sustainable Livelihood Development Programme

Client : Hand In Hand India

Location : 6 districts in Tamil Nadu

Duration : 2 years, i.e., from January 2016 to December 2017

Thematic Sector(s) focussed : Human Rights, M&E, Process Monitoring,

Activity brief : The Sustainable Livelihood Programme was designed and implemented by Hand in Hand India (HiH India) and supported by Forum Syd, Sweden. Being a sustainable livelihood programme, the focus was primarily on achieving better livelihoods among the poor and marginalized people. The programme adopted a rights-based approach and the means to achieve project objectives was through awareness, expansion and assertion of democratic rights, which would lead to accessing support provided by governmental development initiatives and using them to improve livelihoods without compromising on environmental sustainability.
ISRF conducted baseline study prior to the design and implementation of the project, and then the endline study to determine the extent to which project achieved its objectives and the change it has brought about. The overall aim of the endline evaluation is to systematically assess and document the extent to which the project interventions have been successful in addressing the mandated results. For that, the OECD/DAC (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development / Development Assistance Committee) evaluation criteria was used, namely project relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability.

Study on Electricity Consumers Cell (ECC) project implemented by CAG-India in 7 districts in Tamil Nadu state, India

Client : Citizen Consumer and Civic Action Group(CAG), India

Location : 7 districts in Tamil Nadu

Duration : 5 months (July – October, 2021)

Thematic Sector(s) focussed : Electricity governance, Endline evaluation, Renewable energy

Activity brief : CAG implemented Electricity Consumer Cells (ECC) project across 7 districts in Tamil Nadu state since 2016. The project aims to educate and empower electricity consumers and civil society organizations to ensure electricity sector is functioning in an accountable and transparent manner. ISRF adopted OECD-DAC evaluation frameworkand covered about 1050 electricity consumers randomly chosen across all the 7 project districts using random sampling methodology from the beneficiary groups. The study elicited key findings under the five evaluation componentsof project relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability.

CSR vertical

Enhancing productivity and income of paddy farmers – a CSR project funded by A John Deere India Pvt. Ltd, Pune and implemented by MNEC, Madurai.

Client : John Deere Indian Private Limited, Pune and its implementation partner MNEC, Madurai

Location : Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Duration : 5 years (2014 – 2019)

Thematic Sector(s) focussed : CSR, Agriculture Development, WASH, Livelihood and Skills Development

Activity brief : John Deere India Private Limited has supported a CSR project “Enhancing productivity and income for paddy farmers”for four years since April 2016 till March 2020 implemented in Thenkarai village, near Madurai, Tamil Nadu state. The programme was implemented by a local NGO partner, Madurai Non-formal Educational Centre (MNEC). The programme aims to achieve holistic development of marginal farmers community (owning less than 1 hectare of cultivable land) inThenkarai village with specific focus on (a) income enhancement and drudgery reduction through mechanized solutions to paddy farming, (b) alternative livelihood development for women workforce, (c) education support for children of marginal farmers and local schools and educational institutions. In this pilot and experimental project, ISRF worked with MNEC in designing, implementation and conducting Baseline and Endline study. The project achieved the targeted behaviour change in the knowledge, attitude and practice of marginal farmers in adopting mechanized farming methods which enhanced their income and reduce drudgery in paddy farming.

CSR programme for Poverty eradication through financial literacy and digital inclusion for marginalized rural community in rural areas in Tamil Nadu

Client : NATRUST

Location : Tirupattur district, Tamil Nadu

Duration : 2 years (2017 – 2019)

Thematic Sector(s) focussed : CSR, Financial Literacy

Activity brief : The project aimed to (a) build knowledge and awareness on financial literacy among the targeted rural households, (b) create awareness on various government financial services (e-governance centres) and policies that aim to improve the lives of the targeted households in rural areas and (c) mobilize and sensitize the targeted rural households for collective learning and practicing of financial literacy thereby benefiting from the financial inclusiveness.
ISRF, through its non-profit Trust, designed the project and supported the implementation with the target groups through developing appropriate IEC/BCC awareness materials.

Community Promotional Campaign and Household Survey for Diha Clinic, Nanganallur, Chennai

Client : Lister Technologies Private Limited, Chennai

Location : Chennai city

Duration : 6 months (Oct 2018 to Mar 2019)

Thematic Sector(s) focussed : CSR, Community Health

Activity brief : Lister Technologies Private Limited, is a software company having its offices in India and USA. The company planned to design and implement community promotional programme for its CSR initiative, ‘Diha Clinic’ for the low and middle income target population in Nanganallur area, Chennai. ISRF undertook the task of conducting a needs assessment survey with 2000 households, designing a participatory health programme for the target community. As part of the programmes, ISRF designed and conducted a range of individual and group based IEC/BCC campaigns.

CSV vertical

Women Entrepreneur Programme (VLE) in Rural areas in Tamil Nadu

Client : GSK India Private Limited, New Delhi

Location : 26 districts in Tamil Nadu.

Duration : 5 years (2015 – 2019)

Thematic Sector(s) focussed : BoP&rural market activation, demand generation, women entrepreneurship development, sales and distribution

Activity brief : ISRF identified 1800 women entrepreneurs in 1800 villages across 26 districts in Tamil Nadu and trained and handheld them in doing rural sales and distribution for GSK company. The company manufactured and distributed nutrient and health-based products such as Horlicks, Boost etc. Started as a humble initiative in 30 villages in 2015, the project achieved a massive success of expanding to 1800 villages, with annual sales turnover of Rs. 18 crores during 5th year. This opened up a new market for GSK at the BoP segment in rural areas, which was never done before by the company.

Rural sales programme for women on health products.

Client : Bella Premier

Location : 3 districts in Tamil Nadu

Duration : 2 years (2017 – 2018)

Thematic Sector(s) focussed : BoP&rural sales, market activation, women entrepreneurship development

Activity brief : Bella Premier manufactures and supplies sanitary napkins for women and adults men. ISRF identified, trained and developed successful women entrepreneurs across 180 villages in 3 districts in Tamil Nadu. Since the product is related to women health and hygiene, ISRF designed IEC/BCC materials targeting to bring in awareness on importance of maintain health and hygiene in rural areas. The project achieved both business outcomes as well as social outcomes in the areas of women health.

Creating access to clean drinking water in rural areas through promoting exclusive water filter products

Client : Eureka Forbes Private Limited, Mumbai

Location : 2 districts in Tamil Nadu

Duration : 1 year (2017)

Thematic Sector(s) focussed : WASH, BoP& Rural sales and distribution

Activity brief : Eureka Forbes is a leading brand in manufacturing and supplying water filters across India. ISRF was engaged in identifying, training and developing successful rural entrepreneurs across 150 villages in 2 districts in Tamil Nadu. Since the product is related to water, health and hygiene, ISRF designed IEC/BCC materials targeting to bring in awareness on importance of clean drinking water, health and hygiene in rural areas. The project achieved both business outcomes as well as social outcomes in the areas of access to clean drinking water.